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30 Maggio 2023

Urgent campaign – medicines for Cuba

In recent times, Cuba has suffered a dramatic crisis, which has led to severe shortages of medicines and medical equipment. Due to the criminal US blockade, which continues to tighten, the consequences of Covid and the international situation, Cuba must…
20 Febbraio 2023

¡Cuba, sorprendente Cuba!

(Spanish version below) Dear friends of mediCuba, having to travel to Mexico City for an oncology conference, I took the opportunity to spend a few days in Havana in mid-January. My head is still full of conflicting impressions and since…
23 Luglio 2022


Descargar aquì el llamamiento de la Campaña “Mi aporte a #CUBAPORLAVIDA” y el listado de los suministros medicos prioritarios Como consecuencia de las limitaciones impuestas por la Covid 19 y del prolongado bloqueo de los Estados Unidos contra Cuba, arreciado…

Oficina de mediCuba-Europa
c/o Manuela Cattaneo
Via San Bernardino 5
CH-6988 Ponte Tresa (Suiza)
+41 91 606 17 62