Stockholm 18/20 November 2016
• THE US BLOCKADE The US presidential elections take place Tuesday the 8th of November 2016. Evaluation of the Obama era. What can we expect of the new US president? The European increased cooperation with Cuba and the EU Common Position on Cuba. Guantánamo!
• THE CUBAN EXAMPLE Cuba’s Peoples Power, social gains, international solidarity and ongoing dynamic economic development. How we spread knowledge about the Cuban example?
• ALBA AND LATIN AMERICA The US ambitions to retake Latin America and the Caribbean. ALBA. CELAC. The defence of sovereignty. Solidarity against the USA’s meddling.
• COOPERATION AND ACTIONS TOGETHER The Berlin 2012 Cuba Solidarity Meeting provided much inspiration and initiatives. Many opportunities ahead. How continue? Events in Europe. Cuba Brigades. Sharing information materials. At the meeting in Stockholm we shall hand out USB:s with Cuba photos, articles etc. Do you have materials to share? Digital communications. Action plans.